Friday, December 30, 2011

This Week's Task List Revisited...

Copied from earlier blog ---
This Week:
* clean and organize the office
* clean and organize the game closet
* clean the living room, loft, and Jacob's bedroom carpets (while we have Joy's carpet cleaner) - My goal is to get these rooms ready, then do this Thur morning.  Brent & Chem-Dry of Indianapolis will forever have my carpet cleaning business!!!  Look for more details in my next blog!
* laundry, cooking, etc. the everyday things that must be done.

 So, I still haven't finished my office or started the game closet, but I have 2 days left this week.  I have asked David to help me with the game closet so I'm hoping we will tackle that today.

As for my office, I have made progress.  The desk is clean and organized, and I'm slowly moving through the rest of the room.  Unfortunately, it's a slow process and I'm easily distracted.  Plus we spent yesterday with my family having Christmas with them, which was a nice time playing card games and teaching them some new games.

I am going to adjust my Task list a bit.  Wal-greens is doing a free printing of 25 4X6 photos (promo code "PRINTNOW". So to help kick off the other goals of getting back into scrapbooking, I'm going to try to also sort and send 25 photos to Wal-greens to be printed before the 12/31/2011 deadline for this.

Here goes...

EDIT: The game closet is clean and organized!!!!  Just need to finish the office.
EDIT: Photos sorted at least to the point that I sent 25 to Wal-green for FREE :)

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