I have TONS of them. Some are LONG overdue to be finished, such as my son's baby scrapbook that hasn't even been started. Others are things I want to do, but haven't set down to do them, like scanning in some documents and then burning them to a CD.
So this blog is one I'm hoping to get comments on....how do you get things done? I'm not talking the daily things like laundry, washing dishes and cooking supper. I can do the daily stuff, but it seems that by time I do the daily/weekly things, homeschooling, and running the kids to all their activities, there's no time for the other stuff. I know I waste time online and I have started watching TV again. I used to never watch TV.
There's some of the "projects" I want to get done....in no special order:
- scan the cub scouts popcorn forms so I could destroy the actual pieces of paper. (Do I really need to keep these? I feel like I should, but at the same time, I don't have a good reason to why I would ever need to look back at them.)
- scan the GFH volunteer forms (need kept for records)
- make J's baby scrapbook
- finish the scrapbook of hubby's childhood photos (I started this when K was about 3, and she's now 14).
- get back into genealogy research and find more interesting stories about my family.
- de-clutter and organize the game closet
- de-clutter and organize the office
- work on some cross-stitching projects that I started and frankly don't even remember what I started.
- work on the quilt I started before J was even born
- hang the decoration we picked out and purchased when we were redoing the master bedroom
- repaint the baseboards in the kids bathroom to finish the painting of that room.
- Get the GFH donated games checked, sorted, and stored (not in our garage waiting), so they can be used in the game library program.
- Redo my kitchen on a non-existing budget.
Lisa, I could probably make a list as long, if not longer, than yours of things I want/need to do....of course most of mine would be crafty items (sewing, quilting, knitting, etc.). My advice would be to revise your list in the order that you need to do them...then use the One Project at a time idea...and work on that item until it's finished. in regards to the scrapbooking, set a goal of doing 1-2pages a day. As far as the cleaning/organizing..use the timer...(the advice you gave me several days ago). I find when I'm "overwhelmed" with things..if I can complete one thing..it helps me to stay motivated to keep working on other prujects. ....just my two cents worth....