Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas 2014 Letter

Dearest Family & Friends,                                                                                        Christmas 2014

Once again, it's Christmas letter time. I refuse to say “It seems like I just wrote a Christmas letter yesterday, and now it's time again?”. I really refuse to say that, because that would imply the year went fast, and I'm getting older...and well, that just can't happen!

Every year, I get reports of how much everyone loves receiving our Christmas letter. Our friends and family seem to like my cute stories about how wonderful our children are, because let's face it, everyone brags on their kids during the Annual Christmas letter. It's like an unwritten law or something...”parents must brag on their kids at least once a year, in writing, and then send it to all their family and friends.” Didn't you get that memo??

So this year, I decided to go a little different with the Christmas letter...Here goes...

Chancey still barks at everything and everyone who come within 50 feet of our house. It doesn't matter if she knows the person or not, doesn't matter if there's another dog around. She still must inform the humans in the house that “hey, look, there's someone there.” So don't try to sneak around my house, because the dog is on the job!

Jacob is a head-strong, hyper boy, who likes to run around the house in his underwear and leave a trail of clothes. Luckily, he's only 11 and he keeps this habit limited to our home, so there's still hope he will out grow it before he becomes a teenager. But if you plan to stop by, especially if you have daughters, you might want to give me a heads up otherwise, you might see “Boxer Boy” darting for clothes.

Kalissa is a teenage girl. Do I really need to say more? Oh yeah, a teenage girl with a part time job (read “money to spend”) and the ability to drive (freedom). I'm still waiting for my order of “Drama Be-Gone” to arrive. Apparently it's on backorder with no shipment date available.

How's that for bragging? Now for the highlights from 2014! **drum roll please**

Kalissa became a legal driver, started her Junior year of High School, started reminding me often that in less than 2 years she will be “gone away to college”. (not sure if that's a threat or a promise...jury is still out, depends on the day).

Jacob crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, which was somewhat bittersweet. He had a wonderful Cub Scout experience with an awesome leader, but the Boy Scout Troop he found to call home is also wonderful. I can see Scouting being a major part of his future development. He started 5th grade, decided reading isn't the most terrible thing to do, but still would rather play a video game than crack open a book. He also decided this year to give his life to Christ and was baptized on his 11th birthday.

We got to have another daughter for 3 weeks this year, Lea Dietrich, a High School student from Usingen Germany came to stay with us. She's part of the Noblesville-Usingen Exchange program, which Kalissa is participating. Lea was a wonderful additional to our family. We loved having her here, learning about her culture, seeing our own culture via her eyes. You never really live until you try to explain some American slang phase to a foreign teenager who is looking at you like you have 2 heads! Kalissa is looking forward to spending time with Lea's family this coming June.

In other news, David continues on with Conseco CNO Financial working in their IT dept. I am still at home most of the time with the kids, volunteering at their school and helping out where I can at church. I also started a part-time job in Dec. I am working with a Realtor group as their assistant. I really love the work and learning a new industry! Also, 3 days before Thanksgiving a neighbor's tree fell on our house. Nothing like glass flying and 40mph winds going though your home to make you count your blessings and be grateful that no one was hurt as you celebrate Thanksgiving. The house is being repaired and our family moves forward into 2015 knowing that God is taking care of us.

I hope this Christmas letter finds you and your family healthy, happy and in good cheer. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of all New Years.

With love, David, Lisa, Kalissa and Jacob Brown

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