Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ever wonder if your neighbors are dead?

Have you ever wondered if your neighbors are dead?  Over the last week, I have started to wonder.  You see we moved into our new house in June, met them once briefly where oddly enough I don't think they even offered their names.  We learned the very basic info...husband, wife, newborn son and dog, moved in about a month before we did.  We would see them let their dog out the back and wave, but they didn't talk even when we say hello, so I didn't push it.  The only real "conversation" if you call it that, was when she came out and told my husband politely that he had mowed too far over into their yard and to please not mow their yard anymore...*yeah, ummm ok*

So then the first snow fall came, and I noticed that there were no dog tracks.  Didn't think much of it, figure OK they got rid of their dog.  Newborn child, I can see the dog and baby having issues, maybe the baby was allergic, I'm not going to judge because we had to give away a dog for allergic reasons.  Then the next snow fall, and I noticed that they were no tracks in the driveway for days.  I thought 'wow, someone else who avoids going outside when it's cold' because anyone who knows me knows I can find all kinds of ways to stay home and not go out when it's cold.  Not that I can't drive on snow or ice or that I don't have layers to wear. I just don't like being cold.

So since Christmas we have had snow on the ground pretty much constantly, and since Christmas, I have seen tracks in their drive way, but they don't shovel.  *Shrugs Ok, I hate to shovel, I do it because I feel like it's required of me and because I have people come to my house sometimes, but if I thought I could get away with never shoveling...Yeah I might try that.*  But the kicker has been the last 2 weeks, they haven't set their trash or recycling out.  I don't know about you, but when I had a newborn, I had trash.  Dirty diapers, formula cans, milk jars, wrappers off my food items, etc.  Plus we have never seen lights on in their house, maybe it's the angle that their house sets to ours, but we would think we would see a glow of lights in the back, but never.  So now I'm starting to wonder if they are dead.  I guess the fact that I see tracks in the driveway means someone's alive, right?  I just never see them come or go, but then I don't spy on them 24-7.

So anyway, the point of this blog, other than to tell you the coming and goings of my neighbors, is what happened with greeting people? Saying Hi, waving, going and introducing yourself when someone new moves in?  What happened to seeing each other in the back yard when dogs are taking care of business or kids playing, and stopping to say "hey, how are you settling in?" or just making small talk?

Here's a kicker, what happened to the teenager kids/boys who used to knock on our door and ask if they can shovel your driveway for like $15-20?  I remember it being $10 once, but now I think it's at least $20.  Either way, what happened to that?  What happened to the neighbor with the 4-wheeler with a plow blade on the front coming over and helping to clear your drive way when you're out there with shovels killing your back?  Yeah, I admit I am jones-ing his 4-wheeler and have considered walking over and asking if I could pay him to finish our drive way, but since he's the non-dead neighbor who doesn't even say hi when you wave or say hi to him, I figure he would just ignore me.

Is hospitality and friendliness gone? Did automatic garage door openers kill communities?  Think about it!  We got automatic garage door openers in our car, we drive up, open the door, park inside...go in the house and don't come out until the garage door opens, we back out, drive off closing the garage door as we leave.  Before automatic garage door openers, people had to get out of their car and open the garage door themselves, and the neighbor could wave and say hi...or they parked outside and the neighbor could still wave.

Oh and by the way, the neighbor's trash can still have snow on them, so they aren't even putting their trash outside.  I guess if they are dead and going to come back as zombies come spring, we'll know.

Enough Lisa Logic, bedtime...night JohnBoy & MaryEllen!


  1. It is something to think about. In the last neighborhood we lived in, as well as this one, we know the immediate neighbors, and know a few of the others on the street enough to wave, but that's about it. On the other hand, I have some friends who are in a neighborhood where almost everyone knows each other and looks out for each other, with some even being "back-door neighbors" - you know, the kind who just walk in the back door without knocking? I'm really not sure what makes the difference.

    Oh, and I hope your neighbors aren't dead. :)

  2. I had Backdoor neighbors! Miss those. And as annoying as it was some days, I miss the neighbor kids ringing my doorbell from daybreak to dark asking if my kids could play. :(
