Sunday, December 16, 2012

Can't hold my tongue anymore...

Ok, the folks who knows me best knows I rarely discuss religion or politics in public forums. I don't hide that I'm a Christian and when asked directly I will answer any question about my religious or political views.  I just don't get on those soap boxes often. I have enough other soap boxes I wear out. ;)

But with the recent Facebook posts, the media, and everything hitting the Internet as a result of the murder of the children and teachers in Conn, I'm finding it hard to hold my tongue anymore.  So in true Lisa-Logic fashion, here's all the things I wish I had the guts to say/post to the FB status, shares, etc.

1) God didn't cause this terrible event. God didn't decide on Friday morning that he wanted 20 innocent children to "come home". I have no doubt that He welcomed those teachers and children into His loving arms, comforted them and gave them peace. But He didn't cause this. He didn't plan this. This isn't part of some "Great Plan" of God. This event was Pure Evil and God doesn't work with Evil.

2) We can't understand why this happened. We can ask and question; Lord knows I have.  I have sit right at this computer reading the news feed, crying and asking "Why?  Why did these children have to die like this? The poor children who survived, why do they now have to live with this memory?" But you know what folks, we will never know! We aren't supposed to understand and frankly, I can't begin to figure it out because my mind doesn't work like an person who would DECIDE to pick up a gun and walk into a Kindergarten class room and open fire!  So frankly, I am glad I don't understand because I don't want to have those thoughts. I don't want to understand why or how a person could do that!

3) Guns...OMG I would love to just say "STFU" sometimes!  I don't own a gun, I don't have a gun in our home. Not because I'm against them, I CHOOSE not to own a gun, for 2 reasons.  The first is I'm not 100%  sure that if I had a gun in hand and faced with the situation where I have to decide to use it, if I could. I believe if you can't pull the trigger, you shouldn't have a gun "for protection" because the other person will just take it away from you and use it against you.  The second reason is I have decided as a Adult that I like living within the city limits, and I trust and respect the local law enforcement to respond quickly and effectively to my calls for help.  I thank God that I have not had to call on the police, fire, EMTs for help, but if I need them, I trust that the people trained to protect and take care of me will be there.  But back to the issue at hand, IF I wanted to own a gun, that's my right and IF I wanted to have a gun in my home, that's my choice.  But GUESS what?!? It doesn't matter!  I can own one gun or a hundred guns. I could have semi-automatics or the single shot loader thingies, and it still won't matter....I'm not the one you have to worry about and taking away my right to own or have a gun, will not prevent 20 children being murdered in their Kindergarten classroom.  Because just like my dad used to say "Locks keep the honest people out"...Gun control keeps the HONEST people in check.  The dishonest ones, the mentally ill, the ones who want a gun to do evil, WILL still get a gun. They will lie, steal, cheat, and we can't stop them because they are evil!   All "more gun control" would do is make it so that farmers, the hunters, my family who lives in the country who doesn't have police who are 5 minutes away, are left unprotected. Those of you yelling for "more gun control", you need to realize a gun in the right hands is no more dangerous than a car.  A car can run over a child crossing the street. A car can hit a school bus and kill or harm 60 children.  It all depends on WHO's behind the wheel of the car.  A gun depends on WHO's finger is on the trigger!

4) "Let's arm the teachers"...."let's put guns in the teacher's hands so they can defeat their classroom", SERIOUSLY PEOPLE??? Are you that insane?!?  You have a teacher who is underpaid, under-appreciated and WAY overworked, who has a passion for teaching. Trust me I know this, you do not teach for the money, you do not teach for the benefits, because they suck! I have taught off and on for 14 years, and you teach because you have a PASSION for the job. You want to teach those students, children or adults, you want to see them learn and move out of your class not because you want to "get rid of them" but because it means you have done your job.  But you can't see everything, a normal public school class these days is anywhere for 20-30 students, you can't watch and see every thing going on. You try, but it's not humanly possible. For a gun to be effective to "protect" it has to be accessible, why do you think a police officer wears a gun on his belt? Because he can access it.  If it is locked securely in a gun safe, is he going to be able to do his job? If a robber is holding me at gun point and I call the police, I don't want him to try to remember the combination of his gun safe! I want him to reach for his gun on his belt and shot the sucker!  Well, let's think about put a gun in the class room, you train the teacher....Ok, yay, we have an armed what?  She either puts the gun in a gun safe so that the Kindergarteners can't get it out and "what does this do?" and kill her or someone else...or she keeps it out where she can access it and we see reports accidental shootings happening in our schools.  I'm sorry, losing a child to an "accident" because a gun on the teacher's belt misfires when the teacher leans over the desk to show a child how to correctly make a cursive G is not something I want to hear about on the news.  Accident happens with guns, even with trained people with guns....A teacher has enough to worry about with her students, don't add a loaded gun in the classroom to "protect" to her worries.

5) Prayer in school....Do you seriously believe prayer isn't in school?  Ok, so I can't honestly say I ever sit in a class room and had the teacher lead a prayer during class.  No, it didn't happen.  But I can promise you, that prayer did most definitely happened in my classes!  I prayed that the teacher won't notice me passing the note to Beverly in 3rd grade, I prayed that the teacher won't ask for the homework I forgot and left in my locker, I prayed that the boy I liked would notice me, I prayed the boy I didn't like won't notice me. I prayed I would know the answers to the test I didn't study for, or that I wouldn't forget what I was suppose to say during the oral report.  I prayed Mrs. Taylor won't call on me in Latin or that Mr. Swift would give us study time so I could finish my biology homework before next period.  It's not a question of taking prayers out of school or putting it back in, it's a question of teaching our children to have faith. PERIOD.  I prayed because I believed in the power of it.  Had I not learned AT HOME to pray and been taught that it was an option, I won't have done it.  You know what?! Shocker here!... It's not the freaking school's job to teach YOUR children to pray or not to pray and frankly, "no prayer in school" doesn't mean YOUR child can't pray.  

Ok, I think I hit all the high points.  I really don't care if anyone reads this or not. But it feels good to get it out there and off my chest.  Oh and Yes, Police and Teachers can be both male or female. I'm not sexist...just easier for my mind to write the protector/Police as male and the sweet/teacher as female.  But I have see excellent Police women and wonderful male teachers.  Anyway..go back to your soap box now...I'm done.


  1. BUT!!!!! ......He shot his way through the door. School was protected, but not from this maniac.....These Schools are not protected.....BUT...If one person in this school or any school had someone that carried a gun, It never would have gone this far

  2. You have a good point, Louie. So maybe we should think about training and arming the Principal, Counselor, or hire an armed security guard for the schools. That I could support. I just can't support the idea of having an armed teacher in every classroom. That would cause me more concern as a parent. I am not against the idea of having SOMEONE armed at the school. The principal rushed at the maniac Friday, unarmed. Had she been trained to use a firearm and approved to carry one at work, the story might be different.

  3. Another thought I had, the news reports said the Mother worked at or volunteered at the school. I think our school systems need to re-examine their visitor policies. I volunteer at my children's school weekly, and when I arrive, I sign in, put on a visitor sticker and walk right into the school, carrying purse/bag of some kind. No one asks what I'm doing there, half the time, the secretary who is supposed to check every one entering isn't even at her desk. I could carry a bomb, gun, or anything in my bag and I'm right there in the center of the school, with students all around within a minute of arriving at the front door. The school knows me, they have seen me volunteer for 6 years. They know my kids and they make me fill out a volunteer form and they did a background check on me...but that doesn't mean I couldn't flip out some day and decide I didn't like how the teacher graded my son's test. That doesn't mean I didn't wake up that morning and decide I'm going to take care of that bullying problem at recess. Just because they did a background check and had me fill out a volunteer form...just because they see me weekly, and know who's Mom I am. Sure I could see parents saying "why check my purse and ask for ID and what I'm doing here when you see me every week and know me?" But honestly, I would gladly let you check my bag, check ID and ask what I'm doing if it means my children and the school as a whole is safer! Because if you check me, that means you will check every one else! For the record, I'm not saying the school at Conn didn't check or question the boy when he walked in, I don't know. But I know our local school, I just walk in often.
