Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow and Math...not a match made in heaven

Today it snowed all day and I loved it!  I had no where to go, no where to go tomorrow either, so let it snow! It was also the first time in a long time that I wasn't immediately faced with the thoughts of "Are there going to be a snow delay or school closing? If so, who will watch the kids? Do I need to juggle someone to watch the kiddo?"  I love that I did not have to juggle or worry about that. I know I can be home if they have a delay or a closing! Yay for being a stay-at-home Mom, even if it seems I'm never home. :)  K did pray at the supper table for a snow delay or closing.

Now on the other hand, Math...the current thorn in my side!  Mr. J has always been good at math, always loved it. He is still good at math, but for some reason he has decided he doesn't want to do math without being so slow!  I let him get behind before Christmas, my major mistake.  Now he has 6 lessons he needs to do before tomorrow night to be on schedule. He's on schedule with everything else!  He gets no TV, no Wii, no playing with the neighbor kids, nothing until his Math is caught up....and it's still like pulling teeth to get him to work on his math.

UGH! Friday is a light homeschool day for us. The schedule is built that way, which I appreciate. So tomorrow is going to be very heavy on Math...and hopefully by the end of the day, he will be caught up.  If not, I might just have to buy a wig because I will have pulled my hair out!!!


  1. Smiles....yes.. hope you keep the snow out there...With snow there are always delays...
    I'm sure he will be caught up :)


  2. what kind of it something you can make a game out of. make it fun..he'll get it done faster....just a thought

  3. Sue, he's doing addition/subtraction of 3-digit numbers and beginning multiplication. He's actually doing very well with the multiplication, but for some reason wants to take FOREVER to do the 3-digit addition/subtraction. He says it's because he doesn't like to carry and borrow numbers....I think he's just making excuses.
