Haven't done so well at blogging this year! It has been a busy summer with Kalissa's trip to Peru, South America, then Marching Band. Ok, so for all those of you who remember Marching Band like I remember Marching Band, Noblesville Marching Millers is TOTALLY different! I wasn't in band, but my friend was, and I recall her doing a week or maybe 2 weeks of "band camp" in the summer, then a lot of practice and contests in the fall. Well, that was "track band" I'm learning. Noblesville does "Show Band", which means all their contests are in the summer months, in fact State Fair Band Day is the big contest, which was this past Friday. so from June-Aug, the summer band students had 2 days off, plus contests every weekend in July. When K signed up, I found out we sold our souls to the Marching Band demon for the entire summer!
But now, the Marching Band competed, and earned 9th overall at the State Fair, out of 46 schools. Very good job and I'm so proud of Kalissa and all these kids, for the hours of work they put in. Now we have about 10 days before school starts. Seems hard for me to believe since it seems we haven't had a summer really for our family.
Just a few things that shock me today as I write this....
* Jacob is going to be a 3rd grader?!?! Seems like yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital, scheduling home nurse care visits, worrying he wasn't getting enough breast milk, and thinking he's too little and thanking God that he was home and alive. (If you missed it, he was born premature at 33 weeks.)
* Kalissa is a Freshmen!!!! I now have a child who is in High School, how did that happen? I remember bring her home from the hospital as well, but I can believe she's older, just not a High Schooler yet. She keeps reminding us that she'll be driving soon, and then it's senior, college, marriage....OMG I'm so not ready for her to grow up like this.
* I'm going to turn 40....in about 6 weeks. I'm not worried about turning 40, I'm not bothered by the number. I don't feel old at all....I'm at middle age maybe, but still that's a big number and part of me feels a bit shocked that I'm about to leave the 30s behind.
With those thoughts I'm left wondering what to do in 10 days when the kids return to school. I'm not homeschooling this year, it was nice, but Jacob learned some bad habits and I don't want those to continue. I want him back in school. But that means I'll have 8 hrs a day of time...what to do with it? I have decided not to return to teaching, because it will cause the same thing I wanted to get away from...too much time away from my kids and not being flexible enough for their schedule needs. I started Parties By Proxie, but the business isn't taking off like I had hoped. I'm struggling to know how to market it effectively. I could find a part time job that would allow better flexibility, but honestly, I don't want to work outside the home unless it's for the PxP business. So how can I make some money, market my business, still have flexibility for my kids schedules and needs, and not go stir crazy from not working? Suggestions? Thoughts?