Let's see, Mom came to visit for 10 days. I love having my mom here. I enjoy just being able to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation with her. We took her home Tue, so now it's just us back at home.
This visit from my mom was different than the past visits. I think it had a lot to do with me not juggling work and home while she was here. I was home, doing homeschooling, spent a couple days being sick with a flu/cold, and never had to leave for work...being at home makes such a difference some times. I miss the paychecks from working, but I have to say I am liking the relaxed schedule and busyness of a different style.
David came home with a cold/flu version and lucky me he passed it on. The kids didn't get it, nor did Mom, so I am very happy about that. On the other hand, I spent a couple days not doing much more than laying on the couch.
Let's see recently...I worked with my sister and made 10 sets of knitting markers to sell...finished reading a book, been helping a friend with his life plan to get back in college, said a lot of prayers for various situations, had a board meeting for GFH, and spend a morning visiting with my friend to get some plans for her Derby party.
I feel like I have so many projects going on, and no organization to get them done, so that's my goal for the rest of this week...to make some notes on projects, organize some thoughts, and feel I have some control of them.
wish me luck.